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Get to Know Us

This page will be a work in progress... Yes, we are a team.  Crystals are amazing and I will share with you what they share with me!

Green Leaves


Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red

Aventurine is a playful microcrystalline quartz.  When examined closely you will find little sparkles all throughout.  Inclusions of mica produces a silvery sheen and hematite, a grey or red.  I find that Green Aventurine is chosen often in a Crystal session.  It has a soft, gentle but very effective healing quality, especially placed at the heart.  Orange Aventurine is a stone that often finds its way into a chakra bracelet or meditation mala.  It offers a wonderful warm, creative and again, soft energizing quality that is very reassuring to the wearer.

Crystals: Team Members
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